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Living on the margin: the positioning of the ‘Khumi’ within thesociopolitical and ethnic history of the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

Downloaded By: [Uddin, Nasir] At: 13:23 2 February 2008 Living on the margin: the positioning of the ‘Khumi’ within the sociopolitical and ethnic history of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Nasir Uddin* Kyoto University Japan & University of Chittagong, Bangladesh The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh has long been represented as a region of multi-ethnic setting, ethnic conflict and ethnic movement in South Asia. However, inter-ethnic relationship through the practice of unequal power and positions among the ‘Pahari’ (hill-people), the inhabitants of the CHT, has largely been ignored in the deeper understanding of the CHT. In addition, available CHT literature talks mostly about numerically dominant ethnic groups, whereas less attention is paid to the marginalized ‘Pahari’ ethnic groups. This paper examines the positioning of the ‘Khumi’, one of marginalized Pahari ethnic groups, within the larger canvas of CHT vs state across times and regimes. In an attempt to identify the posi